An overdue idea for making the internet safer just got the funding it needs
How a new initiative from Google, OpenAI, Discord and others could transform trust and safety
How a new initiative from Google, OpenAI, Discord and others could transform trust and safety
A leaked AI mode for search gives publishers fresh reason for worry — and maybe reasons to strike a deal
The company’s promise to avoid building AI applications that cause harm has been deleted
OpenAI's new research tool still makes mistakes — but in its speed and average quality of analysis, it represents a remarkable step forward
The company’s decision to expose chain of thought is a surprise hit — and a reminder of how far AI product teams have left to go
The Chinese AI upstart has rattled Silicon Valley — but how much the game has changed remains to be seen
Hands on with Operator — a promising but frustrating new frontier for artificial intelligence
PLUS: What we actually learned about Mark Zuckerberg last week
PLUS: What executives are telling employees about Meta's move to the right
The company built effective systems to reduce the reach of fake news. Last week, it shut them down
Scenes from a Trump transition
What employees are saying about the company's embrace of MAGA ideology —and what Meta is telling them not to say